Subrahmany Ramakrishnan

ACC - ICF Certified Leadership Coach, Founder Partner groCatalyst C&C LLP, groCatalyst C&C LLP

Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship | Behavioral skills, Corporate Consulting, Emotional Intelligence

Subrahmany Ramakrishnan


Dr. SUBRAHMANY, Founder Partner of groCatalyst C&C LLP, is a distinguished ACC (Associate Certified Coach), and to be certified a PCC (Professional Certified Coach). Dr Subrahmany has an unwavering commitment to empowering leaders and Organizations, which has left an indelible mark on the Coaching Stage. With around 4 decades of unparalleled Industry Expertise, he has pioneered transformational Coaching through a prestigious Certification from ICF. He has coached leaders at BMW, MSN, HIL to name a few and other top global firms. The mantra of raising AWARENESS, CHOICES and ACCOUNTABILITY has fostered an impactful and sustainable transformation. Beyond Coaching, he has facilitated for leading Corporate Houses and transformed lives of more than 1.4 lakh working professionals in India and abroad. He embodies the "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE". He has been recently awarded as THE 100 MOST IMPACT COACHING LEADERS (INDIA LISTING) AWARD – by WORLD HRD CONGRESS

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