Harish Bijoor

Founder - Harish Bijoor Consults, Harish Bijoor Consults Inc.

Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship | Branding and Advertising, Marketing, Motivation

Harish Bijoor


Harish Bijoor, known as an Ambassador of Brands, is a seasoned brand and business strategy specialist with over two decades of corporate experience. He has been a faculty member at the Indian School of Business for 20 years, alongside teaching engagements at international business schools. Harish is a multifaceted professional, blending roles as a practitioner, consultant, and academic. With an illustrious corporate career spanning Hindustan Unilever Limited, Tata Global Beverages Limited, and Zip Telecom Limited, he brings a wealth of industry expertise to his teaching and consulting endeavors. Harish's unique blend of practical experience and academic insight makes him a sought-after authority in marketing and brand management.

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