Aliya Patel

Professional Life Coach ,Counselor &Mentor at Guiding Star, Guiding Star

Motivation and Development | Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health

Aliya Patel


A person creative & passionate about youth coaching career transitional coaching and Women Empowerment who is willing to work and learn always Aliya involves Empowering & Mentoring women through experiences and inferences. Her purpose is to create awareness and make people adaptable to change as change is the only constant. She is dedicated to providing people with the tools and resources they need to achieve optimal mental health. She understands the importance of taking care of your mind just as much as your body, and she wants to help people achieve a sense of balance and peace in their lives.Her aim is to help people manage stress, anxiety, and other psychological wellness concerns, so they can live happier, more fulfilling lives.Her signature presence is Authenticity,Curiosity& Compassion in bringing out the best in her & her client are some of her notable qualities 


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